Wednesday, 21 February 2018


......(for me).

..Was The Chosen Man.



The Venus Side Effect

final flawed version
of a book I've been
writing, for the last
40 years................

Any publishers out
there? I have the
unsolicited manuscript.

yours David Fraser Scott 




Accept the chance........

........of becoming

........'how you say'?

........imaterial and


........A 'Force'.......

........rambling...... an Ether.....

.....with waves and

........a pulse..........

..Yes! And you've..

......guessed it?...

....There's Mum &

......Dad again !....

........LIQUID ?......

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Thursday, 8 February 2018

new motto and a change

everybody thinks;
somebody else, is

having a better,
time than they


until they try it
for themselves.
