Thursday, 5 May 2016


........well today in my part of the world it has been a happy bright summers day and it was simply speaking........................................

Talking to the sunlight whilst walking through the sunlight...........

a bit of a verbal illusion then and i have done a painting of it too!

I STOLE........

..........a steak and ate it raw. i stole a steak and wanted more..........

wild beast.......... what i become when not on medication. a wild beast is what i become, when denied food and mastication! 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

title........PISS ARTIST.........

he'll die on drink,
he'll bust his gut,
he's cursed by God,
he's in a rut.

there's nothing here,
except labour and beer'
he's down, he's down on his luck,
there's no escape 'cept' for a temporary fuck.

......there then follows another 7 verses before the poem ends
with the following verse........

A brilliant artist he used to be,
but now it's purely piss,
life's driven him to it you see,
so let him be drunk,when death comes
to give him his kiss!

and so the book goes.this book "THE VENUS EFFECT" forms the first chapter to the grand finished work "THE PULLING TOGETHER AND BINDING" wich consists of two other long chapters, "LOOSE CANNON" and "VICTORY FOR A VOICE" wich includes the self recognition of the developement af a mental illness, namely BI-POLAR DISORDER.

look out for these works in the book shops over the next coming moths and years! thankyou!

the book ends......

.....well enough but relatively Godless. but there is an inkling of something not of this world that is that is a definate YES in a second book a more extended version of the same events entitled "LOOSE CANNON" and so the first book ends like this............

"James and Kate have new dreams now, when william is ready to fly the nest, they will be seeking a new home in which to live. James is beggining to recieve good money for his paintings. Kate brings in lump sums with her guitar playing that last them months. Life for them has happened. they will have existed. Their 15 minutes garanteed, garanteed in cool brittania, land of the free , where love can blossom.


their now follows another poem that shows how they struggled at times.........

Monday, 2 May 2016

opening chapter..........

............and so it starts........

" For the past thirty years or so i have kept diaries of my life, and the life of my friends interweaved with historical events of the time. now as i turn 50 i feel that i should share some of this writing with a public. The diaries were kept in usual descriptive prose, but more often than not, at moments of insight and inspiration large tracts of the material burst into poetic verse...............

and so it goes!

Prose then.......

.........the book starts in London in 1980, and is about two heterosexual lovers the birth of a child and the three of them's struggle to have a worthwhile existence, a pleasant life and a hope of longetivity and natural conclusion without the interference of a religion.................