Friday, 20 January 2017


........ rollin on till the ... .. ....

..........and GOD then............:

Monday, 16 January 2017

The Theory.........

David Fraser Scott.                                16-1-2017

The Theory (in English).
For Stephen.

There can't have been Anything,
Before a Nothing.

And there will be Nothing,
After an Anything.


A beginning,
A middle,
And an end.......................time and space.


And we will not know ?
Like a river, a book, a film, a drug,..........................................

a man....................................................................the end.......:

.........................................................and a Woman is Wretched.

Monday, 2 January 2017


the START.......of a new year then........

...............a revolvement.......................

of the earth...................a revolution.... the wheel of time...............,

an...0....'0'.....a circle almost,......o....+1,

and we are off again! But 'exactly'........,

not quite the same.........if you see .......

what I mean!

a record of the seasons in paint

Saturday, 12 November 2016

SATURDAY NEXT.....SEXY!........:.
SEE YA......:.
STIGMATIC MUTATION........i am...:.