Monday, 30 January 2017


....he had been coming home

from school as a fresh faced was autumn..

getting dark a bit as it does in

these parts at that time of year

......when he was approached

....approached from an alleyway a......



.............A WOMAN..............

...........trim and remove and assortment

.........of VANDYKE BROWN winnocks...

..that had been there DONKIES years..

...I was flattered that he should ask..

..I was being mature and grown up...

WOW!.....I took it all in my stride..

and only faltered slightly with the nail clippers

.....and nipped his saggy leathery bottom..

...I drew blood...but he didn't seem to

notice............I quickly wrote in my file

possible industrial alcohol abuse and

definite concern of whisky....producing

...preservation of the ass and numbing

of the posterior nerves...............then

he turned round and told me of his..

deplorable tale ...of contraction of

.....................dysfunction.................. all began many years ago when...... rub some


into some fresh scabs on

his foreskin...incurred through

recent masturbation........

...I took a moment to check

The Queens Cohort's number

on my mobile, log it, and a

note with alarm to phone

The Cohort later and inform

him of this serious malady

....Ma Lady....Maam!........

.........Samuel for all his

experience and West Yorkshire

worldly ways..........blushed but

managed a smile..................

then.......he turned round...

bent over and asked me to...



............................................. had a dark brown hue to

it an engorged large tropical

maggot like shape to it and

a splendid fine array of Venereal

Warts around the rim of the helmet

...........I had only ever seen them

this profuse in Victorian Copperplate

Illustrations in large leather bound


...I made a quick sketch in pencil... the appropriate box in my file

and applied a Tincture of Mercury

and suggested where he should go

for further treatment.............. I was going to take the

week off listening to music in

a darkened room........he seemed upset!

...........................then he allowed me to
